Keratin Treatments are a wonderful way to bring vitality to over 50 hair. Why? Because hair begins to lose pigment and can appear dull and lifeless. Keratin can restore vitality, shine and movement resulting in a youthful appearance.
Hair Color for Men is No Longer Taboo
by otpsalon

Most would not argue that George is handsome and has style for a man his age (see, isn’t this fun?) … so I like to use him as a great example for current trends in men’s grey blending and or coverage.
Notice TWO constants: the eyebrows are always colored and the hair at the temples always has some silver running through it.
Bobs and Bangs
by otpsalon
Youth Inspired Trends for Spring 2018

Sometimes staying current when you are a boomer is just KNOWING what is current. For instance saying to a younger co-worker or relative, “I think that Bob that Lucy Hale has is adorable.”Even though you are thinking, “Who is Lucy Hale?”

I am a fringe, a.k.a., bangs, person (hairdressers trained by those from England do not say “bang” as it is a not-so-nice slang across the pond). Notice how the above fringes accentuate the eyes and cheeks. This row of beauties contrasts with the top row of women who are younger and still do not mind focus on the jaw.
A Sparkly Tip for Ageless Eyes
by otpsalon

Create a look of Ageless Beauty: add a pop of bold color above and/or below the lash line. Place colors sparingly where there are fewer wrinkles. Add bold lip and eye pigment for a stunning look when preparing for special events or big weekends.
The secret to Ageless Beauty is to accentuate your best features while detracting from areas you do not want to draw attention to or that you simply dislike.
Remember, lighter hues are perfect highlighters. See the example below from Bodyography—sold at OTP. If you are not a fan of glitter, try matte Olive, Plum or Grey shades in the corner of the eye.
Jada (below) applied an “attraction color” under the eye, and a neutral liner and shadow on top. To avoid a heavy look to the eyes, always use a neutral shade in the contour area. More on that later.

The New Standard for Aging, Older, Mature, ???, Tested and Tried Women!
by otpsalon
The trend today is we—whether, millennial, boomer, senior, other people group or considerate friend—must avoid looking like our grandparents. Vivian Diller, Ph.D. writes from her book, Face it: What Women Really Feel as Their Looks Change.
“This (the fact that we are living longer) would be good news except that women are bombarded by the message that a youthful appearance is what will keep them from becoming invisible (in a youth-obsessed culture).” “This (the fact that we are living longer) would be good news except that women are bombarded by the message that a youthful appearance is what will keep them from becoming invisible (in a youth-obsessed culture).”

Vivian Diller, Ph.D
Vivian speaks a lot about the generational differences—millennial vs. boomer—and their opposing attitudes on beauty. According to current media—of which this writer is in full agreement—equal expectations fall on both the baby boomer as well as the millenarian. Below are two photos from Closer magazine of Jane Seymour and Maye Musk (Elon’s mother): Jane commented recently, “I feel sexier now than when I was younger.”
P.S. This blogger feels that what is happening for boomer women can easily be applied to boomer men. Sporting the young wife and a luxurious lifestyle is no longer enough; he must also look amazing—think George Clooney—more on him later!

Maye Musk
Maye, mother to Elon Musk, radiates confidence amidst bold but modern style.

Inspiration for Trending Anti-Aging Techniques
by otpsalon
Here, Elena wears softened eyebrows and eye shadow. Contoured cheeks and highlights above and below eye create more softness. Dewy skin and glossy lips complete her ageless look. Call OTP for your personalized consult today.

OTP Salon

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
My grandmother was in her 40’s when I was a toddler. Several years ago, I recognized her face reflecting in my mirror—not even my mother’s features anymore— FEAR gripped me! Wanting to stop and even reverse this process, I began the search for the fountain of youth and made a few discoveries. In this blog, I will slowly reveal what I learned and how you can apply the same techniques, tips and tricks to your routine. Check back here often and follow me as I share my beauty secrets.
Have you pondered why older women are called handsome? It is because women tend to look more masculine as they age—cruel! I remember my 40th birthday, I was more concerned about the age than noticing my face was falling! My wake up call happened by year 50. One day I noticed my eyes a little heavier, then my nose began to grow bigger—glancing back at earlier photos, the slow fading of features cannot be overlooked—as in REAL photos, not digital. Yes, slowly it happened to me; I decided to pour all my time into training to be a hairstylist and makeup artist and to share what I was learning about myself, makeup, and hair, and staying “On Trend” in a youth-oriented society with … you!
Let’s begin with Elena, she was 50 at the time of this shoot. These 6 points above are key and I will expound on each detail during the next 30 posts. These principles are foundational for any age; less harsh color and more contour creates a softer and less masculine look at this stage of life and beyond.
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